13 Important Dates You Need To Know About JEE Advanced Exam 2015


JEE Advanced Exam

A candidate can attempt JEE Advanced a maximum of two times and that too in consecutive years. 

JEE Advanced 2015 schedule:

  1. Online Registration Schedule: May 2, 2015- May 7, 2015
  2. Admit card: May 9, 2015- May 12, 2015
  3. Rectification of discrepancies in the admit card: May 9, 2015- May 14, 2015
  4. JEE (Advanced) 2015 (Paper 1): May 24, 2015 (9 am to 12 pm)
  5. JEE (Advanced) 2015 (Paper 2): May 24, 2015 (2pm to 5pm)
  6. Display of ORS image and scanned responses: June 3, 2015- June 6, 2015
  7. Request from candidates for review of their scanned responses: June 3, 2015- June 6, 2015
  8. Receiving feedback from candidates on answer keys: June 8, 2015- June 11, 2015
  9. Display of answer keys: June 8, 2015
  10. Display of marks allotted: June 13, 2015
  11. Results of JEE (Advanced) 2015: June 18, 2015
  12. Registration for AAT: June 18, 2015- June 19, 2015

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