13 Interesting Facts About The American Multinational Financial Services Corporation “Morgan Stanley”


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Morgan Stanley is an American multinational financial services corporation. Morgan Stanley is head-quartered in the Midtown Manhattan New York CityMorgan Stanley operates in 42 countries and has more than 1300 offices and 60,000 employees.

Here are some Quick Facts about Morgan Stanley:

1. Morgan Stanley World Headquarters are located in New York City, the European headquarters are based in London and Asia Pacific Headquarters are based in both Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Here is the image of the headquarters of  Morgan Stanley in New York :

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Here is the image of the European headquarters of  Morgan Stanley in London:

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Here is the image of the Asia Pacific headquarters of  Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong and Tokyo:

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2. The corporation Morgan Stanley was formed by J.P. Morgan & Co. partners Henry S. Morgan who is the grandson of J.P. Morgan, Harold Stanley and other. Morgan Stanley came into existence on September 16, 1935.

Here is the image of  J.P. Morgan & Co.:

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3. Morgan Stanley provides securities products and services to customers, including corporations, governments, financial institutions, and individuals.

4.  Morgan Stanley operates in three business segments: Institutional Securities, Global Wealth Management Group, and Investment Management.

5. Institutional Securities has been the most profitable business segment for Morgan Stanley in recent times. This business segment provides institutions with services such as capital raising and financial advisory services.

6. Global Wealth Management Group provides brokerage and investment advisory services.

7. Investment Management provides asset management products and services in equity, fixed income, alternative investments, real estate investment, and private equity to institutional and retail clients through third-party retail distribution channels, intermediaries and Morgan Stanley’s institutional distribution channel.

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8. In 1998, the name was changed to “Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.”and in 2001 “Dean Witter” was dropped and the firm became “Morgan Stanley”.

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9. Morgan Stanley fired a financial adviser who allegedly stole account information from about 350,000 of its wealth management clients and posted some of it online but there is no evidence that clients lost money as a result of the latest breach of customer information at a financial firm.

10. The leaked information included clients’ names and account numbers but not passwords or Social Security numbers. The account numbers have since been changed, and Morgan Stanley has been notifying affected clients.

11. A person familiar with the matter identified the former employee as Galen Marsh, a 30-year-old financial adviser from one of Morgan Stanley’s New York branches. The person said he published information on about 900 accounts as an apparent advertisement.

Here is the image of  Morgan Stanley employee Galen Marsh with his Wife:

Carnaval at the Copa to benefit the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

12. Galen Marsh joined Morgan Stanley in April 2008 as a sales assistant, entered its trainee program in 2010 and became a financial adviser in March 2014.

Here is the image of the Fired Morgan Stanley employee Galen Marsh:

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13. Gregory Fleming, president of the wealth management business issued a memo which said that the bank is offering affected clients additional monitoring and fraud protection services at no charge.

Here is the image of Gregory Fleming, president of Morgan Stanley:

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Here is the image of the Morgan Stanley Building:

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Wealth Management Employee Stole Client Data:


Morgan Stanley CEO Sends Memo To Encourage Employees:




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Soumya Nadar


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