- Hinduism s the Height of Optimism … But These Fellows changed the Identity … Embarrassing moment so far …
- It was a masterstroke when he said Hinduism is a way of life! Ha ha at all you folks who talk about communalism!
- Hinduism s not present in any Ism … But surely not Violence … They change the meaning …
- Hinduism is a way of life which opposes no other faith- We do not discriminate- you does : Modi to Arnab !
- So now BJP does not consider hinduism a religion? In that case would they give up the claim on the ram mandir? #ModiSpeaksToArnab
- Who is Ganga? I am bigger! I didn’t come for her,its she called me..so,when I feel the urge,I will meet her! Hinduism
- German speaks German, they are nationalists. French speaks French, they are nationalists. Modi speaks Hindi, he is a fascist. #Hinduism
- If Hinduism is a way of life why destroy a mosque to build a mandir?
- #ModiSpeaksToArnab– Hinduism is a way of life. Hats off 2 Modi as earlier politician hesitate 2 say this truth 2 keep their VoteBank intact.
- #ModiSpeaksToArnab~ Hinduism is not a religion, its a way of life. Media~ Modi is Communal, he’s saying only on Hinduism.
- So if Hinduism is a just way of life for Sanghis & not religion, why they get so upset when Hindus embrace Islam or Christianity religions?
- Hinduism is not a religion…its a way of life! Even Supreme Court says the same #ModiPwnsArnab
- Mitron, Hinduism is a way of Life. Oops. People say the same thing about Football too.
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