14 Awesome College Memories Facebook Messages, WhatsApp Status To Share With Your Friends


Can you ever forget the best days of your college life? Well, we bet you that those are the only days of your life where you have experienced and learnt so much that you would want to cherish them forever. So the people who are currently in their college, enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again and people who are done with their college, here we have picked 14 Awesome College Memories Facebook Messages, WhatsApp Status To Share With Your Friends:

college memories

1) Breakfast at the tapri: Break Pakora and chai. #CollegeMemories

2) Those fake promises “Yaar college khatam hone ke baad roz milenge” #CollegeMemories

3) When your friend said they are not going to the party and show up an hour late with their “date”. #CollegeMemories

4) Duration of time a student spend in canteen in first year in comparison with a student of last year. #CollegeMemories

5) Projects and assignments in college canteen while breakfast and lunch inside the classroom. #CollegeMemories

6) Business ethics: The only lecture when there is unity in mass bunk. #CollegeMemories

7) That one class where the professor always took extra time and extended the lecture into lunch time. #CollegeMemories

8) Canteen hangouts and backfield running and catching games. Those were the days of happiness. #CollegeMemories

9) Gifts to the Class Representatives and Tips to the peons. #CollegeMemories

10) Giving bribe to the peon and having the assurance that we will get more attendance than regular students. #CollegeMemories

11) Always stood by teacher’s side. Mam is always right! #CollegeMemories

12) I was present in lectures but my stupid friends didn’t let me say ‘present’. #CollegeMemories

13) I gave my friend rs. 20 to do proxy sign on attendance. Well friends are more helpful than teachers. #CollegeMemories

14) Being a teacher’s pet definitely helps. #CollegeMemories


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