14 Facts Why Your Blog Content Sucks!





Do you wonder that you are writing and writing, and a few people say they like it but you are just not getting results?

Do you feel that no one comments and no one is interested in your blog at all?

Do you post only informative content and not engaging content?

Do you feel you are not able to build loyal readership after checking your traffic everyday?

Well, it simply means that :



Here are the top 14 Reasons Why Your Blog Content Sucks:

1) You use your blog as a tool for direct marketing. You feel people who are searching (a particular topic) on Google will land on one of your blog posts, read it and come back again.

2) You copy-paste the content available on Internet / write bad articles (with loads of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc.) and assume that readers will find the content to be unique.

3) Your content is boring and doesn’t offer anything interesting or engaging to the readers.

4) You post only once a week which means you are not at all interested to connect with the readers and keep them updated about the latest happenings around the world.

5) You write articles which every other blogger does (same writing style). You provide mediocre content and do not offer anything new and interesting to the reader.

6) You write blogs only about things which everyone knows. Most of the times, your blogs are repetitive revolving around a person/a company/you. Your readers want to read facts, stories and not same usual boring thing again and again.

7) You simply keep writing and do not have goals for your blog. The blog’s primary function is to GIVE – it can be either information, entertainment, education, awareness etc.

8) Your blog doesn’t have a presence on Social media and moreover, you never thought of a strategy to interest people on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Quora, Linkedin and so on.

9) You have a very negative approach towards the industry and it would reflect in your blog if whatever you write is all negative about people, things and so on. Your readers would stop coming to your blog if they don’t get what they want – Motivation in life.

10) You have never interacted with your readers and understood their expectations. You never considered it important to take suggestions and feedback of the readers for whom you are writing the blog.

11) You do not know why readers come to your blog. You never communicated with your blog readers to know what makes them afraid/excited/happy to visit your blog and recommend it to others.

12) You never thought of future and how the readers will benefit from your blog as years pass by. You are not bothered to put content keeping in mind the changes that will happen in the lives of your readers. Eg If it’s an education blog, your reader may have graduated long-time back and would be working in corporate, still you would be writing on ‘how they can pass their exams’ 😉

13)  Your blog is not specific and about everything that comes to your mind. You stop writing about solutions to the problems of your readers and instead keep bombarding them with content which you feel you can contribute leading to easily frustrating the readers. You never discuss controversial or politically incorrect topics because you fear doing so.

14) You depend on the keywords and SEO to make your blog popular which is not completely true. There is no content strategy and you entirely depend on search engines for increasing traffic to your blog.


Although writing great content is not an easy work but if you do that, you will always be in demand and able to stand out.

We’ll soon come up with how to make your blog content awesome in our next post.

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