14 November 2014 Children’s Day Speech / Short Essay in English Free Download


14 November 2014 Children’s Day Speech / Short Essay in English Free Download


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Children’s Day is celebrated to honor childhood and is celebrated on 14th November in India, the date which marks the birth anniversary of independent India’s first Prime minister-Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who was born on November 14. After his death in year 1963, his birthday has been celebrated as children’s day. The reason of celebrating his birthday as children’s day is because of his love and passion for children. Thats the reason he is also known as Chacha Nehru. Apart from being known for his skills as a statesman, Nehru was also immensely fond of children. The more popular and famous of Nehru’s pictures show him with children.Universal Children’s Day is celebrated on 20th November, every year.In the year 1954, It was recommended by the United Nations and UNESCo’s charter that every year 20th November will be observed as Children’s Day which will be symbolic representation of a day of worldide fraternity and understnding between children. It was rcommended that the day will be observed to promote the welfare of the children of the world. In India this date has been changed to 14th November to celebrate as Children’s Day. Even other countries have strated observing the childrens day at days other than 20 th Novemebr.

However, while 20th November is universally celebrated as Children’s Day, in India this day has been preponed to 14th November, the date the marks the birth anniversary of independent India’s first Prime Minister – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The day is marked with a lot of activities for children. But the fact remains that only a section of the country’s children actually have an opportunity to celebrate their existence. Schools organize events and activities that their students thoroughly enjoy, but there is an entire populace of young ones that are left ignored on this special day – the downtrodden street children.

Children’s Day is a day to engage in fun and frolic. But it is not just that. This day reminds everyone to renew their commitment towards the welfare of the children and to teach them to live by Chacha Nehru’s ideals. And for grown-up people, it is an occasion to imbibe the qualities of childhood.

Children constitute the greatest asset of a nation. A nation prospers or progresses to the extent it is able to develop the hidden potential lying untapped in her children. In a country like India, where children constitute a good percentage of the population, we need to give much more attention to their all-round development. A day like Children’s Day is a right step in this direction. The day invites all of us to give children their due-love, affection and opportunities for development.

Children’s Day also reminds us of the rights of children. We are the citizens and leaders of tomorrow. So we really matter and deserve respect, special care and protection. But do you know how many children are abused in our nation? On this occasion let us also remember those children who are sick, abused and unhappy. Remember that as children:

  • You have the right to be looked after by parents and family.
  • You have the right to have healthy food.
  • You have the right to feel safe at home and school.
  • You have the right to good  education.
  • And when you are disabled or sick, you have the right to special care.

Dear children, let us also remember that Children’s Day is an occasion to imbibe the values of discipline, sense of order, cleanliness, beauty, and above all, innocence. As Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations said, “There is no trust more sacred than the one the world holds with children. There is no duty more important than ensuring that their safety and rights are respected, that their welfare is respected, that their lives are free from fear and that they grow in peace.”

So let us join hands, let us stand up, for we are the future leaders of this beautiful nation. Let us lead by example. Peace be with you all.

Thank you


(P.S. The above essay / speech has been formed from referring to various websites. We neither support nor endorse the same)


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