14 Useful Techniques To Write A Good Exam Paper


Write A Good Exam Paper

I’m sure every student will agree with me that examination is the most horrifying time of a student’s life. All of it feels like a war. (Winks) From the first paper till the last, our hearts almost skips a beat. The most exciting part of the exams is the preparation we put in, late night studies, early morning revision, last minute studies, saying that we didn’t finish anything and so on. And the worst part time seems to run faster like that of our heart beat. Even after all the mess that happens we somehow manage to get ourselves out with flying colours. (Cheers)

I know we all are masters in writing our exams papers no doubt.  The tips mentioned here may seem obvious which you are already familiar with yet we keep repeating the same mistakes, hence reading this will help you memorise it on the day of the examination.

  1. As well get the answer sheets first, fill in all the required details correctly.
  2. Read your question paper well and have a good look at all the instructions mention in it.
  3. Then plan out your time for writing each answers.
  4. See the amount of weight age each question carry and write the answers accordingly. 
  5. Do not stretch each answers way too much, write up to the point or you may not complete your paper.
  6. Attempt those questions first which you know best, at least your sure of completely those answers properly.
  7. Make sure your handwriting is legible and well understood as you do not know who is correcting your paper, and may not understand the things you have written.
  8. Give examples where ever necessary
  9. You can even highlight key words or points to grab the examiners attention.
  10. Write answers in points it looks worth reading.
  11. Make sure you write proper question numbers to the answers.
  12. Do not leave unnecessary spaces as the examiner may feel that you’re not confident or sure about writing the answers.
  13. If you’re mind goes blank and you can’t figure out what to do, just close your eyes relax and have a sip of water and then continue writing. Read your answer once again may be it will help you remember something.
  14. If time runs out, do not panic check for the answers left to write and use your remaining time effectively to complete major portion of your answers.

The most important comes before the exam, make sure that you’re well prepared for the exam and can answer any question that may come in the paper also check whether you have carried all the required materials for the examination and do not have to borrow it in the last minute. Secondly relax your mind when you enter the examination hall and avoid talking around or discussing things in the last minute it could confuse or pressurize you that you haven’t finished or know less than others.  Also do not look at anyone while writing you may feel that you are writing less than them and may panic or the examiner may feel you’re attempting to copy so you need to be careful.

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Daisy Pais


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