15 Awesome Hilarious #YoSmritiSoCertified Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


yale university


  1. #YoSmritiSoCertified if she attends a month in Yale uni, she will break record of world’s highly educated politician…hahaha
  2. #YoSmritiSoCertified @chetan_bhagat writing a book on @smritiirani -> 5 degrees of my life : BA ,BCom,12th pass,Yale and Modi’s choti behen
  3. #YoSmritiSoCertified why the y(h)ell degree symbolism ? HRD proved, that I & people like me are stupid who spend their life to get educated.
  4. #YoSmritiSoCertified DU better than Yale! She got a degree from Yale in 6 days flat, but toiled years thru DU. Finally forged docs to pass.
  5. #YoSmritiSoCertified that Modi exploring options for 6 days degree course for himself ..
  6. If you fail……You have Yale…. #YoSmritiSoCertified #SmritiIrani
  7. If yale uni. can invite srk for lecture then why nt smriti gets certificate frm there hahahaha #YoSmritiSoCertified
  8. People were saying It’s NOT about the qualification. It’s about her honesty. Then why this Yale degree now. @aartic02 #YoSmritiSoCertified
  9. smriti maam is going to yale on 3 weeks tour.. it s a combo pack– Degree+post grad+ Phd #YoSmritiSoCertified
  10. Travel agents very happy , now will arrange for “DEGREE TOUR” to Yale .. #YoSmritiSoCertified
  11. smriti is the new authority to issue ISI certificate #YoSmritiSoCertified
  12. I drive past the Stanford University once in a while. Hence I hold a degree from Stanford. #YoSmritiSoCertified
  13. Indian Students good news for u No need to slog for years in Universities HRD Minister will arrange ur degree in 6 days #YoSmritiSoCertified
  14.  Yale University clarifies on Smriti Irani. Says it is a ‘Ceritificate of Participation’ and not Degree.
  15. #YoSmritiSoCertified that now even yale is regretting giving her a degree



By Amit B



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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