15 Cool, Funny, Random ‘Bharat Ratna’ Status, Tweets Trending on Facebook, WhatsApp


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  1. Ridiculous of congress to demand Bharat Ratna for Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan. He was the first person to propagate two nation theory.
  2. Congress preferred to giv Bharat Ratna to Indra Gandhi b4 Sardar Patel. Every institution hs been structurally politicized by this party ½
  3. Great Congress Dynasty!!! In 1955 PM JL Nehru Recommended Himself Bharat Ratna In 1971 PM Indira Gandhi Recommended Herself Bharat Ratna
  4. I say Bharat Ratna for Smriti Irani. Getting a degree from Yale in 6 days is no mean feat! #CelebDegree
  5. I think Narendra Modi Govt shud give a Bharat Ratna to Rahul Gandhi for bringing down the most corrupt government in the history of India
  6. No matter who is chosen for Bharat Ratna, Sec-Soc-Libs will make it “controversial”. Govt & RW should be prepared to face the onslaught.
  7. Bharat Ratna shud b given to MMS and all his ministers. They made it possible to have a Cong-mukt Central Govt.
  8. Govt sources rubbish reports on proposal for Bharat Ratna to Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Subhas Chandra Bose.
  9. Bharat Ratna now seems like a LOLLIPOP!
  10. Why so much debate on “Bharat Ratna“…all govt awards decided on the very basis of suitability and loyalty to the establishment.
  11. Please scrap with immediate effect the Bharat Ratna and nominating ’eminent’ people to Rajya Sabha. Both add cost but deliver zilch value!
  12. The congress is bothered abt not having other names in the Bharat Ratna list. Then what were you doing for the other 60 years that u ruled?
  13. Only difference between Bharat Ratna, Padma awards and Filmfare awards is that the latter is not supported on tax money.
  14. Basically for tolerating a bunch of jokers and crooks for 6 decades, we the Indian junta deserve the Bharat Ratna.
  15. I say screw the Bharat Ratna and just make the Govt. of India release Outlook Top 10 Lists every year …

 bharat ratna 1

By Amit B



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 


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