15 Golden Tips That Can Save You from a Bad Hair Day!


how to deal with bad hair day

There is one thing we girls can always play with, all day long without getting bugged and those are our lovely hair. But does our hair loves us as much as we love it? The answer is all those bad hair days you faced or are facing.

 So are you justified with my answer? With monsoon being in its best mood and making sure about its presence every now and then, the biggest issue for all of the girls is a bad hair day.

A bad hair day is a nightmare for many of us, when our hair is in no mood to listen to us and go their own way. Managing our hair becomes quite a task because we always want to look perfect. Here are top 15 tips that can save you from a bad hair day and can give you that perfect 10 on the scale.

comb 1st tip

1. Use a wide-tooth comb when hair is wet and a brush when hair is dry. Brushing wet hair causes major breakage, which can leave your hair looking dry and unhealthy.

2. Unless you absolutely need to, don’t wash your hair every day. Shampooing hair everyday can dry out your strands and, if you’ve got color treated hair, fade your color much more quickly

3. Find a headband that goes with everything. Whether you wear mostly brown, black, white or otherwise, find a simple, plain headband that can be used to jazz up your hair on a morning when you’ve got no time and a big hair problem.

4. Know what kind of maintenance you can handle before you get a cut. Those long bobs that are everywhere now? They take some work if your hair’s natural texture doesn’t work with the cut. The lowest maintenance hair is long, layered cuts. Short hair required styling just about every day.

5. Never be without bobby pins, some morning when you leave your house your hair can look amazing, and then a rainstorm hits. To make sure you’re never without bobby pins, stash 10 or so in the coin purse of your wallet.


6. Know your hair type. If you’re got oily hair, the products you use should also compliment that, not make it worse. The same goes with dry hair. Be sure you’re using correct products for dry scalp.

7. Learn how to do a sock bun. Even on your worst hair days, concealing your hair in a sock bun will give you a finished, classy look.

8. Carry dry shampoo with you wherever you go. Keep one if your purse, one in your restroom, one at your desk and one more wherever you spend a ton of time. Dry shampoo is like an instant root lift and shower in one.

9. To tame flyways, spray a toothbrush with hairspray then gently brush your hair into place. The light application of hairspray will give you hold without it being so stiff.

10. Always use a heat protect-ant. Forgetting to use it once is fine, but if you’re flat ironing your hair on a regular basis with no form of protection, your hair will become fried, leading to more bad hair days than good.

bad hair start picture (1)

11. Learn three hairstyles you can do in less than five minutes. Whether it’s twisting hair back from each temple and securing into a bun, a fishtail braid or a sleek ponytail, having gone to styles in your hair arsenal will cut down on stress when your tresses just won’t behave.

12. If your hair looks a little blah, try parting it on the opposite side, or try a middle part. Switching parts adds volume instantly!

13. If your hair is limp and lank, you may have used too much of mousses or gel. Use a spray bottle with warm water, bend at your waist, and turn your head upside down. Shake your head a few times, flip it back up and then style your hair. Much better! It brings your hair back to life.

14. Drink tons of water. Hydration starts at the inside out, and keeping your body hydrated will help your hair stay healthy.


15. If all else fails, I have three hats I can wear, a blue, a black and a light brown. They’re cute and are perfect for disgusting even my worst hair day!

So here is the short list that can save you from a bad hair day and trust me you won’t face any nightmares.

Dear Hair,

                                                      We cut you

                                                       We burn you

                                                      We tie you up

                                                  But WE LOVE YOU!!

–         Freny Sachde

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