There are some must-known mind blowing facts about nature that you are not aware of and should be shared among your friends. These facts add to your general knowledge and amazing to know.
- Vladimir Nabokov nearly invented the smiley.
- Everyone has a unique tongue print, just like fingerprints.
- Light doesn’t necessarily travel at the speed of light. The slowest speed ever recorded was at 38 mph.
- In 2008 scientists discovered a new species of bacteria that lives in hairspray.
- Melting glaciers and icebergs make a distinctive fizzing noise known as “bergy seltzer.”
- There is a single mega colony of ants that spans three continents, covering much of Europe, the west coast of the US, and the west coast of Japan.
- The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Actually that works.
- The largest snowflake ever recorded measured fifteen inch across.
- The Dutch village of Giethoorn has no roads; its buildings are connected entirely by canals and footbridges.
- Experiments show that male rhesus macaque monkeys will pay to look at pictures of female rhesus macaque’s bottoms.
- The first American film to show a toilet being flushed on screen was Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.
- The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days.
- The world’s deepest post box is in Susami Bay in Japan. Its 10 metres underwater.
- Casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese that contains live maggots.The maggots can jump up to five inches out of cheese while you’re eating it, so it’s a good idea to shield it with your hand to stop them jumping into your eyes.
- Most muppets are left handed (Because most Muppeteers are right-handed, so they operate the head with their favourite hand.)