15 Mistakes We End Up Making Again And Again In Our Life


life of mistakes

We humans are born to make mistakes; ever since man has existed mistake has been his faithful companion. All the mistakes made by man either just happened or even done deliberately. These are some mistakes which every person must have done at some point of their life.  

  1. Believe that I never make mistakes: We humans have this thing in mind that we are perfect and never make a mistake, that’s where the mistake actually starts.
  2. Blindly trust others more than ourselves: More than ourselves we trust others and their words, without even giving a second thought about the faithfulness of the person. By doing this we neglect our own instincts and wishes.
  3. Choose wrong people to stay: Sometimes in life we make a mistake of giving certain people the places which they never even deserved.
  4. Let others control our life: We sometimes let people get the best of us, destroy us and change our thoughts and opinions the way they want it to be.
  5. Please others at the expense of our self: In order to impress them we do not even mind in changing ourselves just to please them.
  6. Give up too easily: We give up well before we have even tired, that’s why we always find ourselves lacking behind than others.
  7. Don’t take up responsibilities: We never like to take up the responsibility of our lives in our hands; we find it easy to just push it on someone else for the things that we have done.
  8. Complicating our life: Life gets hell when we ourselves complicate it with all the confusion we have in our mind, our unwanted thoughts, decisions and desires.
  9. Living a life in illusion: We have this illusion in our mind of the life we desire to have, we are not strong enough to face the reality.
  10. Turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to situations: In most situations when things are against our will we easily turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the situation.
  11. Do not want to work hard: We are lazy humans. We wish to have everything served in a plate and do not want to work hard to achieve anything.
  12. Try and easy way to success: We find short-cuts for everything either on a road towards our destiny or in our journey to success.
  13. Say No to things that are good for us: We always fail to see the good things and opportunities that come our way, either due to our laziness or our blindness to see something good.
  14. Put ourselves down: At times due or lack of faith and confidence in ourselves we put ourselves down in front of others.
  15. Step back from learning: We often stop learning and educating ourselves due to our laziness.


There is a saying “Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that does not mean they have to pay for them for the rest of their lives, sometimes good people bad choices but that does not mean they are bad people, it just means they are HUMANS..!!”

We all make mistakes and sometimes there is just no way back that you can fix it, but all you can do is move forward wiser and more in control of our lives.

One should make mistakes; it is a step to learning. Your best teacher is your last mistake. But remember, you cannot make the same mistake twice the second time you make it; it’s no longer a mistake it’s a CHOICE.

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Daisy Pais