16 Major Languages Spoken in Mumbai!



Aamchi Mumbai also known as Bombay is the financial capital of India also the entertainment capital & also the commercial capital of India. Capital of state Maharashtra. It is the most populous city of India & it is also the fifth most populous city of the World, with an estimate population of 18.4 million & metropolitan area population of about 20.7 million in 2011. Mumbai lies on the west coast of India & has a deep natural harbor. In 2009 it is named as an “Alpha world city”. And it is also called as the “Sapnokinagri”(Dream city).


The name Mumbai is derived from Mumba or MahaAmba (name of kali goddess Mumbadevi). Mumbai has a long history & was ruled many emperors & being the headquarters of The East India Company & was eventually the headquarters of Bombay Presidency & Mumbai has witnessed many  freedom movements such as Indian Independence movement, Quit India movement & The Royal Indian Navy Mutiny being some memorable & important movements.


Today, Mumbai is the commercial capital of India & has evolved into a global financial hub. So people all around India & around the world are migrating to Mumbai in search to make an identity. As Maharashtrians are the native inhabitant of Mumbai so its regional language is Marathi but apart from Marathi as people all around the globe are turning towards Mumbai in search of an identity so there are many language spoken in Mumbai. Hindi being the national language of India is known by all & mostly the conversation in Mumbai is done in Hindi.

As Mumbai is the financial hub & many communication around the globe are taking place in English so English is one of the major language of Mumbai apart from these three languages the languages like Telugu, Tulu, Malayali, Gujrati, Marwadi, Bhojpuri, Kannada, Bengali, Kacchi, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Khandesi, Konkani, Lamani etc. are some of prime languages spoken in Mumbai & Mumbai belonging to mix culture society so there are many languages spoken in Mumbai. Not only national but many International languages are also very well known.




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Ayesha Patel


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