17 Awesome Hilarious ‘Appraisal’ Jokes, Status, Messages For Facebook, WhatsApp


Funny Appraisals

  1. Gets along extremely well with superiors and subordinates alike: A coward.
  2. Happy: Paid too much.
  3. Hard worker: Usually does it the hard way.
  4. Identifies major management problems: Complains a lot.
  5. Indifferent to instruction: Knows more than superiors.
  6. Internationally know: Likes to go to conferences and trade shows in Las Vegas.
  7. Is well informed: Knows all office gossip and where all the skeletons are kept.
  8. Inspires the cooperation of others: Gets everyone else to do the work.
  9. Is unusually loyal: Wanted by no-one else.
  10. Keen sense of humour: Knows lots of dirty jokes.
  11. Keeps informed on business issues: Subscribes to Playboy and National Enquirer.
  12. Listens well: Has no ideas of his own.
  13. Maintains a high degree of participation: Comes to work on time.
  14. Maintains professional attitude: A snob.
  15. Meticulous in attention to detail: A nitpicker.
  16. Mover and shaker: Favours steamroller tactics without regard for other opinions.
  17. Not a desk person: Did not go to college.

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