17 Cool Superb “Mike Tyson” Jokes, SMS, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook




  1. Luis Suarez is a worse human being than Mike Tyson.
  2. “Is Suarez single? Asking for a friend.” – Mike Tyson
  3. Somewhere, Mike Tyson just became a soccer fan.
  4. Is that Suárez or Mike Tyson??? He can eat an apple through a picket fence with those choppers!!!
  5. That is just in. @MikeTyson will counseling for his biting antics. Voila …
  6. Congrats Luis Suarez on unlocking the ‘Mike Tyson’ badge on FourSquare!
  7. Mike Tyson thinks Suarez is an amateur.
  8. So Mike Tyson & Luis walk into a restaurant…
  9. Mike Tyson might be the craziest dude on the planet and he only bit someone ONCE. Three times? Lock him up.
  10. Mike Tyson even would be saying went to far with his THIRD biting incident.
  11. Mike Tyson: “I’ve always found ears to be more tender. Back shoulder meat gives me indigestion.”
  12. BREAKING : Mike Tyson just sent a friend request to Luis Suárez on Facebook.
  13. Luis Suarez is basically the Mike Tyson of football
  14. BREAKING NEWS : Luis Suarez will now get Mike Tyson tattoo on the side of his face
  15. I can’t be certain, but I think there may have been a biting incident in the World Cup. Didn’t know Mike Tyson played.
  16. “These soccer players are crazy! Biting someone?? Wow.” – Things Mike Tyson might say if he was ironic.
  17. So what’s all this I hear about Mike Tyson playing soccer now? What? Ohhh, ok…nevermind.



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