17 Utterly Bizarre Yet Funny New Year’s Resolutions You Can Make Every Year


new year weird resolutions

With New Year comes new hopes new excitement…we forget every wrong thing of the previous year and take along the good memories and step into another new year. We plan a lot of things for the New Year and with this we also decide and promise ourselves to either improve one bad habit among us or at least learn a new thing…and this is nothing but our New Year Resolutions…that we make and break within 10 days at least most of us isn’t it? As we all know Promises are meant to be broken and our Resolutions are also the same and we keep up the traditions by keep breaking it.

The other day I was thinking about my resolution for this year…that I overheard some conversation in the train of group of friends…and I have noticed one thing there is somebody else who is thinking the same…and see the coincidence it happened…and when I heard their Resolutions I couldn’t control my laughter and then they told me to join them…and so I was listening to their Resolutions and they were weird..And when I asked them Why such Resolutions so one of them answered saying something different…Resolutions should be at least those which we can keep…and should be something which is fun…and it is true…But you should see their Resolutions….

  • I will avoid sweets except chocolates….
  • I will exercise regularly at least when I am asleep (because when you sleep you bend in so many positions that surely your body gets exercise )
  • I will get up early…for sure by 11
  • I will not smoke once in every 2 months (stupid…isn’t it?)
  • I will leave alcohol except whisky and beer
  • I will study once in a month
  • I will eat vegetables which includes only tomatoes and cucumber (common this is salad everybody eats )
  • I will shop only thrice a week
  • I will have bath regularly with deo
  • I won’t get angry only sometimes
  • I will stop sending unnecessarily except on shopping and boozing
  • I will brush my teeth at least after I finish my breakfast
  • I will surely attend college at least during exams
  • I will change the jeans I wear every 2 months
  • I won’t booze on 2n October and 30TH January
  • I won’t play pranks only on APRIL FOOL’S DAY
  • I won’t at all be fussy in eating when it comes to eating fast food.


Firstly this is something out of the box that they could think and some of it is workable…so sometimes make resolutions at least for your own fun…

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