18 Things That Only Your Best Friend Knows About You


Best Friend

We all have many friends but there is this one friend without whom we cannot imagine even our single day and that friend is our best friend. What is so different about this friend that he or she knows everything about you? Below are few things that most probably only your best friend knows about you.

  1. How much disgusting and annoying you could be at times.
  2. How retarded you look when you wake up all smelly and stinky in the morning.
  3. Knows every detail of what you do in the entire day.
  4. Knows the very next thing that you are going to say.
  5. They know the real story when you’re simply faking around.
  6. Knows how much you hate some people in your life and simply pretend to be nice to them.
  7. All the weird things you do when no one is around.
  8. All the emotional dramas and childish tantrums you do when things do not happen your way.
  9. Knows everything right from the amount of clothes to the colour of each outfit that you have.
  10. Knows each and everything that is happening in your relationship with your boyfriend.
  11. Knows how much you actually eat or not.
  12. Knows every detail from your first crush till the current one.
  13. Knows your stupid sense of humour but still laughs.
  14. Knows all the annoying things you say when you’re angry or pissed off on something.
  15. Knows your favourite food.
  16. Knows about all the things that you are bad at and yet supports you.
  17. Knows that you are upset just by looking at your face.
  18. Knows well that how lazy you get at times to do your work, and will wait for them to help you out.

A Best friend is a one in a million friend, even more than a soul mate and a lover, who knows even more than you know yourself, the only person who loves you after your parents. No matter how stupid, idiotic, crazy, annoying, angry, foolish, you get at times still loves you and accepts you for what you are and never wants to change a thing in you. Knows that you’re not perfect and still thinks that you are the most perfect person in the world. There a saying “A good friend knows all your stories but a Best friend has lived them with you.”

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Daisy Pais


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