2 Types Of Grace Marks To Be Granted In Financial Management November 2013 Results


As per a recent article in a leading newspaper, Final year BMS students who failed in Financial Management will be granted the benefit of 2 types of grace marks i.e. statutory grace marks and internal grace marks.

The rule of applying 2 types of grace marks will be allowed to all those with a minimum score of 9 and they will automatically clear the subject.

If a student has failed only in 1 subject, 1% of the aggregate score or 5 marks, whichever was lower, could be awarded to students. Additionally, 10 marks of internal grace score will also be granted.

For example, if a student has scored 11 marks, then 5 marks under the statutory gracing rule and 10 marks as internal grace score will be added, thus taking the overall score in financial management to 26.

Also one more provision is expected to be granted to students. If students take a re-exam, the higher score of either attempt must be considered in the result.

Students who have scored less than 9, will have to take the exam again. But under the credit system, they will get a class based on their scores and not the demeaning ‘pass class’ which earlier used to given to those who had earlier failed.

Source:  TOI


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  1. I got 12 in logisitics i put my paper for reval
    and my friend failed in ethics
    any chance that in reval we will pass
    why are you’ll doing all this last moment
    hardly time for 6th sem boards to start
    reval results are also not out
    why are you’ll stressing the students so much
    our whole life will get ruined
    and if rules are made for FM so same rules for others who failed in other subjects
    this will be called as partiality

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