2 Ways After Graduation


A graduate is all that he could be, in the span of fifteen years of education. Taking a decision in the gravest dilemma without even a miniscule confusion, should not be a problem. But, in this age of mass-distraction, a graduate is bound to commit mistakes. These are mostly in choosing the right pathway to the right career. A graduate, for a great career, above all, must be more than the degree he’s holding. At one end, there is hunger of growth and on the other, it’s the hunger of money. He must be clear of the following two objectives of opting a way:



1. Money-orientation:

If a billion dollars is your aim, then don’t worry about the growth. A multiplier-mind is the one who has just one focus: “Create wealth”, no matter what the field is and how it works! A 12th-pass boy earns lakhs of incentives in a call center over an experience of just six months. An entrepreneur may reach a networth of billions in the fourteenth month of his startup. It totally depends on how passionate you are.  It depends on how actively you push yourself and the world around you to get the multiplier effect on the wealth you create.

2. Growth-orientation:

If you are growth-oriented, deep down in your heart, you must feel to learn and grow. Striving for growth will lead you to both grave failures and brilliant successes, because they are based on experience from time to time. If growth in a particular interest is what you have chosen, don’t get confused on thoughts of choosing the right company. You never know, you could receiving a job offer from an MNC while working for a mere SME. To fulfill the desire of growing, many young graduates, in the beginning of their careers, work for free in exchange of never-evaporating knowledge from experience along with certificates to flash their completion accomplishment.


A graduate must be great in playing the role of the best friend, but he or she doesn’t know, after entering into the industry, how to be the best professional. The graduate may be the most loved by teachers back in school and now, college but, he or she does not know how to be awesome in front of the boss. For him or her it must be a cake-walk to execute the college festival but a thought of owning a business may give them the wetting jitters. They basically know the tactics, both ethical and unethical, to get the pass-grade in the semester-end exam, but don’t know to create their own niche in the new company. But apart from all sorts of could-be and would-be; the ifs and the buts, a graduate is undoubtedly fits in the following not-so-popular definitions:

A graduate to his parents is like the cloud intercepting the flaming sun!

A graduate to his corporation is like an unguarded bank of skills and knowledge.

A graduate to his colleagues is like an equal-sized obstacle in the race!

A graduate to its country is like the cannon ball in the 50s.

A graduate to an industry is like similar sheep in the herd, consistently producing wool.

Basically, a graduate is like, “the hot bun for free, everybody would love to grab”.


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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why BMS.co.in? Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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