20 Annoying Things That Your Girlfriend Does


annoying girlfriend


It is not only that guys do annoying things, girls are no Saints or innocent. If they are best in all good things they are worst in the worst of things. Though they love you to the core there are certain things that you cannot overlook or deny about….Habits of your girl that can irritate you or make you mad at them.

  1. They will never believe you when you say they look Good and ask you the same question every now and then
  2. They will ask you what to wear but finally wear what they like….
  3. They know you love them but still they will ask you, you love me Na Baby?
  4. If you are online and you are not texting them that means you are chatting with some other girl
  5. If you ever forget to tell them something that means you are hiding from them
  6. If you Don’t say I love you in your Good Night messages means you don’t love her
  7. If you behave a different someday means you are changed
  8. If you don’t meet her someday that means you are not interested
  9. If you don’t call her when she is sick means you don’t care for her
  10. She doubts at you even if you say some other girl ‘Dear’ or ‘Sweetheart’ no matter she knows she is your friend
  11. She cribs on every petty issue
  12. She will keep complaining on even on the smallest of your mistakes
  13. She will keep telling you how unorganized you are
  14. She will taunt you on your every single mistakes
  15. She can compare you with another guy but you do it that means you are in trouble
  16. She can have a celebrity crush but you cannot
  17. If you don’t compliment her also means your love is fading
  18. She will check your phone and give you that look when she sees a girls message on your cell phone
  19. If you ever say No to her when she asks you something then she will make you feel guilty for it by giving you that looks
  20. If you call her fat means you had it.


Though they are irritating, the things that cling you to them is their wonderful heart that love you like mad and makes you overlook her silly things and just concentrate on her good things

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