20 Awesome Hilarious ‘Surya Namaskar’ & ‘Yogi Adityanath’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook


yogi adityanath

Yogi Adityanath, BJP parliamentarian on Tuesday said that ‘those who oppose surya namaskar should drown. The sun has never discriminated against anyone. The intelligence of those who opposed to surya namaskar is laughable. Those trying to make the sun a communal issue should stay locked in homes in the dark.’ According to media reports, the government has dropped surya namaskar from asanas to be performed across India to commemorate International Yoga Day due to opposition by Muslim organizations.

Here we present 20 Awesome Hilarious ‘Surya Namaskar’ & ‘Yogi Adityanath’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter, Facebook:

  1. Soon matrimonial page of newspapers will have bride/groom wanted who does surya namaskar!
  2. AAPTARDS relax..he can still do surya namaskar inside Jail!
  3. The best way to get everyone to do Yoga might be to ban it. People of all religions will begin doing Surya Namaskar out of sheer outrage.
  4. Many people on twitter are hesitating to do Surya Namaskar because then they will have to do GSurya namaskar also.
  5. Lazy mothers make Maggi •Despite being a woman •No Surya Namaskar, no right to live in India BJP leaders competing in race to the bottom?
  6. Hey Adityanath Yogi, my doctor asked me not to Surya namaskar cuz I have a damaged spine. Should I follow you or my doctor?
  7. No egg. No beef. Strict vegetarian. And i do yoga w/ surya namaskar. Where do i reapply for my Indian citizenship under ths loony sarkar?
  8. Yoga has certainly made #YogiAdityanath very calm!
  9. #YogiAdityanath I have a idea for you… Why not take your hindutva mission into ocean I’m sure they’ll have something for change.
  10. Can I eat beef and not do yoga but stil get to live in India because I was nvr ashamed to call myself Indian? #YogiAdityanath @narendramodi
  11. I’m glad you have increased your vocabulary now.. U also know oceans exist except for sending people to Pakistan always #YogiAdityanath
  12. Hey #YogiAdityanath, I do yoga but not #suryanamaskar, not good for my back! So what’s the protocol bro, should I leave, stay, drown, what??
  13. I don’t do Surya Namskaar & i m sure there are many more who don’t do. does it mean” हमें समुद्र में डूब जाना चहिए”? #YogiAdityaNath
  14. So varying statements alluded to #YogiAdityanath Ji, means suna Aadha, samjha uska bhi Aadha and bawaal double
  15. A journalist who exposed an SP MLA on FB was burnt alive in UP & he’s dead. But do we see outrage on it? No! Its on #YogiAdityanath.
  16. Those who don’t or cant do surya namaskar can jump in the occean n die? Hmmm BJP is really making people feel so wanted NOT. …..
  17. Correction: Those who do not do the Surya Namaskar are welcome to remain in India. At the bottom of the ocean.
  18. BJP and Yoga would have become Secular if the yogis had invented Chandrama Namaskar instead of Surya Namaskar.
  19. People who use fairness creams, your surya namaskar is invalid.
  20. Easy way to do Surya namaskar for lazy person-1.Take a piece of paper 2.Draw sun rising on it on your favorite scenery 3Do Namaskar to it




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