20 Interesting Facts That A Studious Student Will Instantly Relate To


Studious Student

When we are in school or in college more than a teacher the biggest trouble will be a scholar or a studious student whom we address as ‘Padaku’. We try to figure out what is the fun in studying they have or what is the secret recipe behind studying always..Because we fall in love with our bed as we see books (laughs)…we start getting all possible sickness when it comes to studying…and the worse of all we are compared with them always and our life becomes torture because of them….

  1. A person who can study even the whole day
  2. The person who will talk only about studies and bore you
  3. A Student who is ready for a surprise test
  4. A Student who knows the answers to everything that a professor asks (limited to the books)
  5. A student who is loved and praised by all the professors
  6. A student because of whom you will get to listen all the time from your parents
  7. A student who is set an example to be like
  8. A student who completes all the assignments on time
  9. A student whom you whenever meet will find him with books and constantly studying
  10. A student who is always excited about studies (grins)
  11. There is no doubt scores well in exams and creates another problem for you as you will get to listen again from your parents
  12. A student who will cry because he/she got lone marks less from full marks
  13. A student who will very well get offended if she/he stands first in class and he turns out to get a second position.
  14. A studious student will prepare for a exams that is after 3 months from the day he comes to know about the date wherein we might start 15 days before the exams (winks)
  15. A studious student will be a great ‘chamcha’ of teachers
  16. For a studious student teachers word is like the word of God
  17. Most importantly he/she will know the entire book each page of the book by heart
  18. Such a student is mostly elfish about sharing notes but he/she will readily take it from you
  19. We might leave an answer in the exam while a studious student might even write the extra answer and come
  20. Whenever you ask them You finished studying, their answer will always be ‘NO’



They do all of these and make our life depressing and annoy us always. The question that keeps coming in our mind is what is the fun in studying? There is certain question which is better if remained and unanswered. So only thing e should do is at least study if not like them but at least somewhat like them to score good marks (smiles).

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