20 Interestingly Unknown Facts You Never Knew About Mysterious Flappy Bird App

  1. Flappy Bird was a mobile game developed in 2-3 days by Vietnam based developer Nguyen Ha Dong.
  2. Flappy Bird App was released on 24th May 2013 by a small and independent Vietnam-based GEARS Studios.
  3. Flappy Bird is a side-scrolling mobile game which featured 2D retro style graphics.
  4. Flappy Bird game’s objective was to direct a flying bird to move continuously to the right between each oncoming set of pipes without colliding with them, which otherwise ends the game.
  5. Flappy Bird game’s player is scored on the number of pipesets the bird successfully passes through.
  6. Flappy Bird game flaps upward each time the player taps the screen.
  7. Flappy Bird character was actually designed in 2012 for a cancelled platform game.
  8. Flappy Bird game was released with support for the iPhone5 in May 2013.
  9. Flappy Bird game was updated for iOS7 in September 2013.
  10. Flappy Bird game topped the Free Apps chart in US and Chinese App stores in January 2014.
  11. Flappy Bird game was touted as the “new Angry Birds” in January 2014 in UK App Store.
  12. Flappy Bird game was the most downloaded App on the App store in early 2014.
  13. Flappy Bird game earned around $50,000 a day in revenue through its in-game advertising.
  14. Flappy Bird game had received mixed reviews from critics.
  15. Huffington Post had addressed the game as “insanely irritating, difficult and frustrating game which combines a super-steep difficulty curve with bad, boring graphics and jerky movement”.
  16. IGN awarded Flappy Birds game with a score of 5.4 out of 10 stating the game was addictive and lacks ambition or creativity and is relentlessly repetitive.
  17. Amongtech.com suggested that Flappy Bird game due to its addictiveness could eclipse Candy Crush Saga as the most popular mobile game of 2014.
  18. Flashy Bird game has also been called as the “Drug of the App Store”.
  19. Flashy Bird game was easier to play on Android than on iOS.
  20. Flashy Bird game takes atleast half an hour to achieve a score a 5 points.





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