20 Kickass Hilarious “Sajid Khan” Jokes, Status, Memes Trending On Whatsapp


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  1. Sajid Khan is still alive because he never watches movies directed by him.
  2. Can we donate movie ticket money to send Sajid Khan to Iraq? Either ISIS will kill itself or Sajid Khan.
  3. Sajid Khan made Himmatwala before Humshakals because he wanted to find the people brave enough to be interested in his next torture..:P
  4. Everytime we run out of topics to joke about, Sajid Khan comes up with a film.
  5. It is getting difficult to convince foreigners that India remains a poor country after they see people continue to fund Sajid Khan movies
  6. What acting is to Himmesh Reshamiya, Film making is to Sajid Khan. Disaster!
  7. Deleted scenes of Humshakals: In beginning Sajid khan narrated the story of movie to Saif and Riteish, both became mad and Sajid recorded it
  8. you book tickets for a Sajid khan movie…
  9. When will Sajid Khan release the DVD of Humshakal? I want to burn it.
  10. “The World will never forgive Vashu Bhagnani ‘Filmistan’ This man has Produced not only Jacky Bhagnani but Sajid Khan’s Humshakals also.”
  11. hurray to the people who helped sajid khan collect a fund of 25 cr
  12. In a country where is a HIT..we deserve directors like Sajid Khan.. no rights to thrash him :p
  13. Sajid Khan is actually promoting anti piracy by making such movies.
  14. f your day isn’t going good, plz read the reviews for Sajid Khan’s #Humshakals. He fails to make a funny movie, but reviewers did it!! 😀
  15. Sajid Khan is slowly emerging as the king of disastrous films.
  16. Sajid Khan’s #humshakals is as good a tribute to Jim Carey n kishore Da as much as rgv ki aag was to sholay.
  17. Public verdict after watching Himmatwala : “This is the worst film we have ever seen.” Sajid Khan : Challenge Accepted. *Makes #Humshakals*
  18. On TV, watch World cup Soccer; At Movie theaters, watch Sajid Khan’s “Shocker.” The choice is yours!
  19. A bravery award should be given to #RiteishDeshmukh for being a part of every #SajidKhan movie till date. Wait .. Or .. :-/ #Humshakals
  20. #Humshakals released today. Stay at home. Lock the doors, or #SajidKhan may drag u to the theater & make u watch his another masterpiece.

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