2014 FIFA World Cup – Spain Vs. Chile


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Brazil were winning 1-0 versus Chile in 1989 during the 1990 FIFA World Cup Italy. In 2014, Chile were back in Maracana for the first time and this time they made positive history. Bravo in his media reports stated “I’m not surprised that we beat them today, because the last few times we played them we got the feeling our style of play ruffled them. That said, it was clear that to beat them we’d have to put in a perfect display, like we did today. We’ve always said that we have to take things one step at a time, focusing on doing things right and getting stronger as the competition progresses. There’s a huge weight off us now because we proved that, just as we’d thought, we’re a strong team that goes out to tackle every match in the same way – whoever our opponents are.”

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