2014 Global Wind Day SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English


Global Wind Day is celebrated on 15 June 2014, Sunday. It is observed worldwide and organized by EWEA i.e. European Wind Energy Association and GWEC i.e. Global Wind Energy Council. The day marks the importance of wind energy, its power and possibilities to change the world. It is mostly celebrated by exchanging information about wind power and conducting events, workshops, wind parades etc.

Here we present 2014 Global Wind Day SMS, Wishes, Messages, Greetings In English:


  • “The wind industry has achieved remarkable growth largely due to the claim that it will provide major reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. There’s just one problem: It’s not true. A slew of recent studies show that wind-generated electricity likely won’t result in any reduction in carbon emissions—or that they’ll be so small as to be almost meaningless.”
  • “According to the Danish Wind Energy Association, there are more than four thousand onshore turbines – two-thirds more than Britain – in a country a fifth the size. Nowhere else has more turbines per head, and Denmark is also a global centre of wind turbine manufacturing – with Vestas, the world’s leading turbine firm, based in the country. Unfortunately, Danish electricity bills have been almost as dramatically affected as the Danish landscape. Thanks in part to the windfarm subsidies, Danes pay some of Europe’s highest energy tariffs – on average, more than twice those in Britain.”


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