2014 Happy Baisakhi / Vaisakhi Punjabi SMS


Baisakhi / Vaisakhi 2014 is the celebration of the first spring harvest and Sikh New Year. It also commemorates the day in 1699 when Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th of the Sikh Gurus were bestowed and blessed Sikhs with unique form appearance and discipline associated with Sikh way of life.

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Sahaj sukh je jaage andar
Jaage nazraan vich ik aasaa
Birhaa jaage te mann tarpe
Milne nu fir jee udaasaa.


Dhand dee laa ke chadar,
Phullan nu jadd khid khid hasee aandee hai,
us wailey hee bas Baisakhi aandee hai.


Khich vairaag di jad seene paindi
fir aann miley sajjan pyaaraa
seel sanjam sarab sukh mildaa
Puran hove mann di aassa.


Bhangde te gidde di toli rall ke

jadd pind ich tamalaa paundi hai,
us wailey hee bas Baisakhi aandee hai.


Mere Punjab di mitti jad wee
menu wajaa maar bulandi hai,
har din mere dil ich ik navi Baisakhi aandhi hai!!!


Badla nu chumdee,
hawaa ich jhooldee sunhari fasal jad,
jatt nu bulaandee hai,
us wailey hee bas Baisakhi aandee hai.


Nachle gaale humare saath  Ayi hai Baisakhi khushiyon ke saath  Masti mein jhoom aur kheer-puri kha Aur na kar tu duniya ki parwa. Baisakhi Mubarak Ho!!


Oh Kheta di mehak, Oh jhumara da nachna,  bada yaad aunda hai, tere naal manaya hoeya har saal yaad aunda hai dil karda hai tere kol aake Vaisakhi da anand lelaan Ki karan kam di majburi, Phir vi dost tu mere dil vich rehnda hain… Happy Baisakhi 2014!! 



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