Karka Sankranti is celebrated on 16th July 2014. On this day, the sun enters Karka Rashi (Cancer). It is also known as Dakshinayanam which marks the end of the daytime for Gods and the beginning of nighttime for Gods. It is believed in Hinduism that Gods go to sleep during the period of Dakshinayanam. During Karka Sankranti, people pay respect to ancestors and worship Lord Vishnu chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam.
Punya Kaal Muhurta = 12:44 to 19:15, Sankranti Moment = 21:59:24 and Mahapunya Kaal Muhurta = 17:05 to 19:15
Here we present 2014 Karka Sankranti Facebook Photos, WhatsApp Images, HD Wallpapers, Pictures: