2014 St. Andrews Day Free HD Pictures, Images, Wallpapers, Greeting Cards For Facebook, Myspace, WhatsApp


On St. Andrew’s Day, particularly young women who hope to marry pray about their future husbands. To celebrate this day, such women peeled an apple in such a way that the peel remained in a single piece and threw this over their shoulders. The shape that the peel formed on the ground indicated the first letter of their future husbands’ names. They also dropped molten lead or candle wax into a bucket of water. The shape that it formed indicated the profession of the men they would marry.

 Here we present 2014 St. Andrews Day Free HD Pictures, Images, Wallpapers, Greeting Cards For Facebook, Myspace, WhatsApp

St. Andrew's Day  (29) St. Andrew's Day  (30) St. Andrew's Day  (31) St. Andrew's Day  (32) St. Andrew's Day  (33)  St. Andrew's Day  (35) St. Andrew's Day  (36) St. Andrew's Day  (37) St. Andrew's Day  (38) 


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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