2014 Tom Sawyers Day SMS, Messages, Quotes In English


National Tom Sawyer Days is celebrated on 4th July 2014 organized by the Hannibal Chamber of Commerce in Hannibal, Missouri in the United States. Hannibal is the hometown of the famous author Mark Twain, the writer of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Here we present 2014 Tom Sawyers Day SMS, Messages, Quotes In English 



  1. Now as to this girl. What had he done? Nothing. He had meant the best in the world, and been treated like a dog — like a very dog. She would be sorry some day — maybe when it was too late. Ah, if he could only die temporarily! (8.1)
  2. In a word, everything that goes to make life precious that boy [Huck Finn] had. So thought every harassed, hampered, respectable boy in St. Petersburg. (6.44)
  3. But the elastic heart of youth cannot be compressed into one constrained shape long at a time. Tom presently began to drift insensibly back into the concerns of this life again. What if he turned his back, now, and disappeared mysteriously? What if he went away — ever so far away, into unknown countries beyond the seas — and never came back any more! How would she feel then! (8.2)

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