2014 World Peace Day Free HD Pictures, Images, Wallpapers, Greeting Cards For Facebook, Myspace, WhatsApp


World Peace Day is celebrated annually on 17th November. This theme of 2014 World Peace Day is “Right of Peoples to Peace”. The day offers an unique opportunity to promote peace which is vital for full enjoyment of all human rights.

Peace Day Quotes:

When we are present in each moment, the past gently rolls up
behind us and the future slowly unravels before us.
                                                                           – Rev Richard Levy

Everything you do can be done better from a place of relaxation.
                                                                           – Stephen C. Paul


Life is lived in the present.  Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow is
      yet to be.  Today is the miracle.

Here we present 2014 World Peace Day Free HD Pictures, Images, Wallpapers, Greeting Cards For Facebook, Myspace, WhatsApp

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