Ameer-ul-momineen Hazarat Ali (Raziallahu anhu) was the the husband of Khatoon-e-Jannat Hazrat Fatima (RaziAllahu Anha)i.e daughter of beloved prophet Muhammed Mustufa (SALLALLAHU ALAIHI WA SALLAM). In the 40th year of Hijri, in the small hours of the morning of 19th Ramadan, Hazrat Maula Ali (AS) was struck with a poisoned sword by the Kharijite Ibn Maljam while offering his prayers in the Masjid of Kufa on his head. He died on the 21st day of Ramadan 40 A.H.
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Here we present 21 RaMaDan ShAhAdAt-e-HaZrAt Ali (karam Allahu wajhu) Quotes:
- Association with a fool is tyrannical to the soul.
- God hastens the fall of tyrants.
- Tyranny leads to moral cowardice.
- A tyrant’s success is his moral defeat.
- It is better to die than to beg.
- When a man begs he loses his faith.
- Hajj is the Jihad of every believer in faith.
- A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
- Silence is the best reply to a fool.
- The best speech is one that is short and reasonable.
- Speech is like a medicine, a small dose of which cures but an excess of which kills.
- He that has no courage has no religion.
- His grief is long whose hope is short.
- The right of freedom of speech consists in speaking the truth.
- Repentance washes away sins.
- Folly is an incurable disease.
- To assist the wrong is to oppress the right.
- Sinning is a disease, repentance is its medicine, and abstinence from it a sure cure.
- Sorrow makes a man old before his time.
- Pride impedes progress and mars greatness.
- To forgive is the crown of greatness.
- He who understands humanity seeks solitude.
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