22 October 2014 Naraka Chaturdasi Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download


22 October 2014 Naraka Chaturdasi Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download

Narak Chaturdashi 14 Narak Chaturdashi 15 Narak Chaturdashi 16


The Second Day is called Narak-Chaturdashi or more popularly as Chotti Diwali which falls on the 14th day of the month of Kartik. This festival is observed to commemorate the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon king, Narkasur. This day is also celebrated as the birthday of  Hanumanji or Hanuman jayanti. 

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The Story of King Bali :
With his valour Bali conquered every bit of space, thus he became the most powerful king on earth. In his kingdom, justice was mere word, truth had no place and happiness was a dream. His form of charity was an occasion for pomp and show and those who went to seek Alms from the king Bali suffered the indignity of insults and humiliation. In fact, he felt that the vast wealth will remain and the pittance he handed out now and again could not affect even an iota of his asset. His false beliefs, arrogance and misrule ended when the Lord disguised as beggar and humble proved to Bali that his concepts were totally wrong and even his vast wealth could disappear in seconds. King Bali asked the dwarf beggar to ask for anything in his kingdom and with three steps even his crown vanished. With his first step Lord Vishnu covered the entire heaven and with the second step the earth and asked Bali where to keep his third step. Bali offered his head and became spiritually enlightened. Thus, this festival has a far deeper significance than a mere exhibition of gaiety and splendor. The Narak chaturdashi day therefore is dedicated to lights and prayers heralding a future full of joy and the elimination of greed.

 (Disclaimer : The information provided here is derived from various other websites. We do not endorse or support the same)


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Aishwarya Mehta
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