24 October 2014 Diwali Speech / Short Essay in English Free Download


24 October 2014 Diwali Speech / Short Essay in English Free Download

Happy Diwali 44

Diwali festival is the festival of the whole country. It is celebrated in every nook and Corner of our country. Thus this festival also creates a sense of oneness among the people. It becomes the symbol of unity. India has been celebrating this festival for thousands of years and continues to celebrate it even today which is both historical and religious.

It is a festival of lights and firework. It comes after Durga Puja as the winter sets in. In West Bengal and some other places in North India Goddess Kali is worshipped during the diwali. As the lights keep away the darkness, Goddess Kali drives away the evil forces in our world.

Great perpetrations are made for this festival. Everyone starts making arrangement one month before Diwali, new cloths are purchased, houses are cleaned and decorated with lights, flowers etc. People call and invite their nearest and dearest ones.

On this festival, sweets are made and distributed among friends and relatives. People indulge in fun and frolic on the day of Diwali. New clothes are worn by the young and the old. At the same time during night, fire-works and crackers are also let off. The bright flames of the fire-work present an exquisite sight in the dark night.

The festival wears a lovely look. Everyone is well clad gay and mirthful some celebrate it in the most enthusiastic way some indulge in gambling according to gamblers, forms a part of Diwali festival. At night the people illuminate their houses, walls and terraces with earthen pots. The glittering lights in the darkness of night present a bewitching spectacle. Apart from houses, public buildings and government officers are also lit up. The scene of lights and illumination is very enchanting.

The Hindus worship Lakshmi; the Goddess of wealth on this day. They say prayers, so that Goddess Lakshmi may visit their houses. Lakshmi Puja is the Puja of Lakshmi Goddess and is performed at the night during Diwali.

Happy Diwali 45


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