25 Amazing ‘UBER’ Photos, Images, Wallpapers For Facebook, WhatsApp


UBER is a popular car-service app which operates in multiple international cities. Customers use the app to request rides and track their reserved vehicle’s location. The app’s service is available in more than 45 countries and 200 cities worldwide. Recently a Uber driver was arrested for raping a woman in Delhi. The company’s CEO Travis Kalanick issued the following statement:

“What happened over the weekend in New Delhi is horrific. Our entire team’s hearts go out to the victim of this despicable crime. We will do everything, I repeat, everything to help bring this perpetrator to justice and to support the victim and her family in her recovery. 

We will work with the government to establish clear background checks currently absent in their commercial transportation licensing programs. We will also partner closely with the groups who are leading the way on women’s safety here in New Delhi and around the country and invest in technology advances to help make New Delhi a safer city for women.”

UBER Photos:

Uber  (1) Uber  (2) US-IT-TELECOM-TRANSPORT-TAXI Uber  (4) Uber  (5) Uber  (6) India Uber Asia Uber  (8) Uber  (9) Uber  (10) Uber  (11) Uber  (12) Shanghai, China. February 13th 2014. Driver images for UBER marketing content. Uber  (14) Uber  (15)


Travis Kalanick Photos:

Travis Kalanick  (1) (600x406) Travis Kalanick  (2) (600x400) Travis Kalanick  (3) (600x400) Travis Kalanick  (4) (600x400) Travis Kalanick, Uber, Code Conference Travis Kalanick, Uber, Code Conference Travis Kalanick  (7) (600x444) Travis Kalanick  (8) (600x398) Travis Kalanick  (9) (600x514) Travis Kalanick  (10) (600x600) Travis Kalanick  (11) (553x369)

Travis Kalanick Videos:







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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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