25 Awesome Hilarious #SoniaAutobiography Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


sonia ganhi

  1. Judging how authentic is very easy. It should have atleast one chapter on one of the many scams.
  2. Tital of the book ‘How a bar dancer become billionaire.’
  3. Sonia Gandhi should write an AutoBotophy instead of Autobiography
  4. Under Nehru we lost dignity under Indira we lost innocence under Rajiv we lost faith under Sonia we lost our humanity
  5. How To Make India A Poor Country.
  6. Diggy doesn’t need any lullaby now. He will read new bed time stories every night
  7. Shubh Sandhya.Good Evening.Sonia Gandhi to write book ? Joke ? Did anyone see her writing other than sign? 5th pass na?
  8. Sonia Gandhi will write because his Son-in-Law has written Geography by capturing lands
  9. Biggest success of govt. Even Manmohan Singh has got his voice ba
  10. We are in a country where Journalists spells sonia with capital S and India with small i
  11. Everyone can write their own book & cook up their own stories. But will those who read them ever know the truth???
  12.   is a welcome announcement. Why don’t more Indian leaders write memoirs? History must be recorded, contested, debated.
  13. Sonia never allowed Rahul to get married as she apprehended he cud get implicated in false dowry harassment case!
  14. Word bomb of the day! “Rajiv Gandhi sent troops to Sri Lanka without telling Cabinet: Natwar Singh”. Will discuss this?
  15.  Sonia Gandhi Answers Who did 2002–Modi Who is communal–Modi Who destroyed U–Modi What about Natwar–I wll say in
  16. “My sacrifices for my nation” – Book name suggestion for Fatwa on those who ask ques like “which nation?”
  17. Given her credibility, deserves to be kept in the fiction section!
  18. Here r some titles for “COAL ho na no” “mere ADARSH” “THE GANDHIS.. BOFOR and after” “Sonia and Rahul.. The 2Gs”
  19. After hearing , Modi has started writing his autobiography “Fekular Politics”
  20. While Sonia is yet to write , Amit Shah has already started writing his autobiography ” 3 Encounters “
  21. So anything related to Dr. ManmohanSingh ji …the page will be left blank ?
  22. If Sonia writes her biography, publication of that book will also suffer from some scams. 😀
  23.  The woman who sold your country.
  24. According to , the Indian ocean was created by Sonia’s tears over the Batla House encounter pics”
  25. How to usher a Rights Based social revolution in India RTI, NREGA, RTE, FSB, FRA !


By Ravi Agnihotri


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