25 Awesome Nita Ambani’s ISL #grassroots Football Programme Launch Photos Free Download


Quick Facts:

  • Nita Ambani is an Indian businesswoman known for her involvement in various philanthropic activities in the fields of education, human resources and disaster relief.
  • She is the wife of industrialist Mukesh Ambani and is the founder of the Dhirubhai Ambani International School.
  • Nita Ambani is also the co-owner of Mumbai Indians cricket team and founder of FSDL i.e. Football Sports Development Limited.
  • She launched the ISL grassroots football movement at the Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai which will create a platform for the development of grassroots football activity and talent scouting across India. 
  • “Education and sports play an important role in the development of a child and in nation-building. Sports is vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their physical, social and emotional health. Sports is important to build character and channel the abundant energy of our children in a positive direction. Now that we are approaching the business-end of the league and we are launching the soul of ISL – the grassroot program” –  said Mrs. Nita Ambani. 

Nita Ambani ISL grassroots football programme Launch Photos:

ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (1) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (2) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (3) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (4) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (5) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (6) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (7) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (8) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (9) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (10) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (11) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (12) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (13) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (14) ISL grassroots football programme Launch   (15)


Nita Ambani Photos:

Nita Ambani  (1) Nita Ambani  (2) Nita Ambani  (3) Nita Ambani  (4) Nita Ambani  (5) Nita Ambani  (6) Nita Ambani  (7) Nita Ambani  (8) Nita Ambani  (9) Nita Ambani  (10)



Nita Ambani Videos:








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