25 Awesome SMS For Rose Day 2015 To Share On Facebook, WhatsApp

  1. Love can be expressed in many ways. One way I know is to send it across the distance to the person who is reading this. Happy Rose Day!
  2. Sweeter than the candies lovelier than the red roses more huggable than soft toys that’s what you’re here’s wishing you a Rose Day that’s as special as you’re
  3. 24hrs make a lovely day, 7 days make a lovely week, 52 weeks make a lovely year & knowing a person like me will make your life lovely. Have a lovely Rose Day n life!
  4. Be regular as clock Be soft as flower Be strong as rock Be nice as me I know its difficult But just keep trying Be fresh as Rose. Happy Rose Day
  5. If I have a bunch of roses I will insert a plastic rose in it And give it to you & say “Our Friendship continues til d last rose dried”.
  6. A rose doesn’t means for proposing love. it also means R- Rare O- Ones S- Supporting E- Entire life
  7. @>-;–;– Happy Rose Day… Accept dis rose of mine as a symbol of love, friendship,faith n trust..! Have a gr8 day..
  8. –>–>–<@ –>–>–<@ –>–>–<@ Special Roses on Rose Day “Happy Rose Day”
  9. Rose unke liye jo milte nahi roz roz……….magar yaad aate hai…………har roz……………..Happy Rose Day
  10. This rose day I wish that all the thorns on the path of your life be vanquished and your life path be filled with petals of love, friendship and blessings.
  11. A Thorn Defends The Rose, Harming Only Those Who Would Steal The Blossom. Happy Rose Day. Have a nice Day.
  12. Flowers are very soft , don’t touch them with hard hands. Similarly feelings are so soft like flowers, don’t touch them with harsh words. Happy Rose Day 2015
  13. My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, similar to a rose without color. Love you forever, Happy Rose Day.
  14. When I First Felt Love For You, I Knew It Would Be Special And Forever. This Rose Day I Wish To Honor You With My Love As I Always Do Because You Are Mine.
  15. How Could I Have Lived All These Years Without You? My Life Is Divided Into Two Parts, Before And After I Met You. My Life Changed For The Better After You Entered It And I Thank God For You. Happy Rose Day.
  16. Roses Are Lovely Flowers And They Always Brighten A Room And Bring Joy To The Heart. You Have Done The Same For Me, Brightened My Life And Brought Joy Into It. Happy Rose Day And Lots Of Love.
  17. Can You Imagine The World Without Roses? It Won’t Be The Same Because An Important Part Of Its Beauty Will Be Lacking That Is What My Life Would Be Without You Happy Rose Day
  18. I Vow To Always Be By You, Protect You And Shower You With My Love. You Are Precious Like A Fresh Rose And I Treasure Every Moment We Spent Together. I Look Forward To Great Future With You.
  19. Everything About You Is Interesting, Your Smile, Your Laughter, Your Beauty, Your Scent And Your Company. I Always Think Of You With A Smile On My Face. I Love You My Precious Rose. Happy Rose Day.
  20. I Wish To Tell The Whole Universe How Much I Love You, Your Love Is The Reason I Go Through Hard Times Without Losing My Courage. Your Love Is My Strength. Happy Rose Day To My Love
  21. Although We Are Apart, Trust Me No One Can Stop Me From Thinking Of You. May This Valentines Bring Us Much Closer. Happy Rose Day!
  22. May Our Love Always Triumph In The Face Of Obstacles. May It Outshine Any Ugliness That Might Arise, Just Like A Single Red Rose Amidst A Field Of Thorns. Lovely Rose Day.
  23. Fragrance always remains in the hands of those who distribute roses ! HaPpY RoSe DaY
  24. Don’t send yellow rose if you want a long everlasting relation; don’t give white rose if you want a romantic relation send a red rose which defines our beautiful relation.
  25. The Love I Feel For You IsEndles Like The Vast Universe, It Still Continues To Grow In Intensity Day By Day Think About It Throughout This Rose Day As You Savor Every Feeling Of Love For Merose day 2 rose day 3 rose day 4 rose day 5 rose day 6 rose day 7 rose day 8 rose day 9 rose day 10 rose day 11 rose day 12 rose day 13 rose day 14 rose day 15 rose day 16 rose day 17 rose day 18 Rose On Wood BW rose day 20 valentines day greeting card with red rose and heart rose day 22 rose day 23 rose day 24Rose day1


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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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