25 GK Practice Questions for SNAP Exam 2013

  • For international payments the Indian currency is linked to

1.  British sterling (incorrect) 2.  American dollar (correct)

3.  International oil price (incorrect)  4.  Gold standard (incorrect)


  • Which of the following is not a film directed by Mira Nair?

1.  Earth (correct) 2.  Monsoon Wedding (incorrect)

3.  Kamasutra (incorrect)  4.  Salaam Bombay (incorrect)


  • Who wrote the book ‘Precepts of Jesus’?

1.  Devendranath Tagore (incorrect) 2.  Raja Rammohan Roy (correct)

3.  Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar (incorrect)  4.  Keshab Chandra Sen (incorrect)


  • Which Indian writer has not been awarded the Man Booker Prize?

1.  Jhumpa Lahiri (correct) 2.  Arvind Adiga (incorrect)

3.  Kiran Desai (incorrect)  4.  Arundhati Roy (incorrect)


  • Kathakali is the famous dance of which of the following states?

1.  Kerala (correct) 2.  Karnataka (incorrect)

3.  Andhra Pradesh (incorrect)  4.  Tamil Nadu (incorrect)


  • Which one of the following is used as antifreeze in automobile engines?

1.  Propyl Alcohol (incorrect) 2.  Ethanol (incorrect)

3.  Ethylene Glycol (correct)  4.  Methanol (incorrect)


  • ISDN stands for –

1.  International Services Digitised Network (incorrect) 2.  Integrated Services Digital Network (correct)

3.  Internal Digital Network (incorrect)  4.  None of the above (incorrect)


  • Who was the inventor of Radar?

1.  Robert Watson (correct) 2.  Fleming (incorrect)

3.  Bush Wall (incorrect)  4.  Austin (incorrect)


  • Match list I with the list II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:

List I (Battle) List II (Year)

A. First battle of Panipat  1. 1565

B. Battle of Plassey           2. 1526

C. Battle of Haldighati     3. 1757

D. Battle of Talikota         4. 1576

1.  A B C D  2 3 4 1 (correct)

2.  A B C D  2 4 3 1 (incorrect)

3.  A B C D  1 4 3 2 (incorrect)

4.  A B C D  1 3 4 2 (incorrect)


  • Sati was declared illegal and punishable by the Regulation XVII during the Governor-Generalship of

1.  Lord William Bentinck (correct) 2.  Lord Canning (incorrect)

3.  Lord Ripon (incorrect)  4.  Lord Dalhousie (incorrect)


  • Which one of the following slogans is attributed to Subhash Chandra Bose?

1.  Jai Jawan Jai Kisan (incorrect) 2.  Bande Mataram (incorrect)

3.  Jai Hind (correct)  4.  Inqilab Zindabad (incorrect)


  • Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana?

1.  Bodh Gaya (incorrect) 2.  Kushinagara (correct)

3.  Rajgriha (incorrect)  4.  Vaishali (incorrect)


  • Bande Mataram, the nationalist song, was part of

1.  Durgesh Nandini (incorrect) 2.  Saraswati Chandra (incorrect)

3.  Grihadaha (incorrect)  4.  Anand Math (correct)


  • Operation Flood Programme was started in –

1.  1975 (incorrect) 2.  1970 (correct)

3.  1980 (incorrect)  4.  1985 (incorrect)


  • Sivasamudra island is formed by the river

1.  Ganges (incorrect) 2.  Godavari (incorrect)

3.  Krishna (incorrect)  4.  Cauvery (correct)


  • Who built the temple of Angkor Vat?

1.  Surya Varman II (correct) 2.  Jasya Varman VII (incorrect)

3.  Yaso Varman (incorrect)  4.  Hari Varman (incorrect)


  • Who was the first Sufi saint in India?

1.  Shaik Hamiduddin (incorrect) 2.  Shaik Nizamuddin Auliya (incorrect)

3.  Shaik Qutbuddin Auliya (incorrect)  4.  Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (correct)


  • In Faziabad, the revolt of 1857 was led by

1.  Ahmadullah (correct) 2.  Bakht Khan (incorrect)

3.  Khan Bahadur Khan (incorrect)  4.  Nana Saheb (incorrect)


  • How many items are contained in the Union list?

1.  66 items (incorrect) 2.  96 items (incorrect)

3.  97 items (correct)  4.  67 items (incorrect)


  • The Bandung Conference (1955) was held in

1.  Vietnam (incorrect) 2.  Philippines (incorrect)

3.  Indonesia (correct)  4.  Egypt (incorrect)


  • When did Muslim League celebrate the “Pakistan Day”?

1.  Apr 25, 1920 (incorrect) 2.  Feb 5, 1922 (incorrect)

3.  July 14, 1942 (incorrect)  4.  Mar 23, 1943 (correct)


  • The ‘Rolling Plan’ concept in national planning was introduced by –

1.  Indira Gandhi (incorrect) 2.  The National Front Government (incorrect)

3.  The Janata Government (correct)  4.  Rajiv Gandhi (incorrect)


  • Which is national river of India

1.  Brahmaputra (incorrect) 2.  Mahanadi (incorrect)

3.  Ganga (correct)  4.  Kosi (incorrect)


  • The first chief Election Commissioner of India was

1.  S.P. Sen Verma (incorrect) 2.  Sukumar Sen (correct)

3.  Dr. Nagendra Singh (incorrect)  4.  K.V.K. Sundaram (incorrect)


  • Indian Development Forum (IDF) was earlier known as –

1.  Aid India Consortium (correct) 2.  Aid India Bank (incorrect)

3.  World Bank (incorrect)  4.  None of the above (incorrect)

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