25 September 2014 Navratri Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download


25 September 2014 Navratri Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download

navratri 01

Navaratri (N) is known as the Festival of Nights honoring the goddesses beginning on the ninth day of the month of Virgo or on the first day of the Hindu month of Ashwin. Total worship lasts for nine days out of which the first three are dedicated to Durga (the Goddess of Valor), the next three to Lakshmi (the Goddess of Wealth) and the last three to Saraswati (the Goddess of Knowledge). The images of God are created, worshipped and immersed in a sea or lake. In Gujarat, Garbha dance is performed. In the South, houses are decorated and toys by the name of Bomma Kolam are displayed.

The festival of Navaratri is popularly known as Durga Pooja in Bengal. After these nine days comes the Dashami, the tenth day, which is the day of the famous festival of Dussehra or Vijayadashami (the tenth day of victory). This is the day Lord Rama had killed Ravana, signifying the victory of good over evil.

I never knew about the respect that our festivals gave to women. Last month it was Raksha Bandhan for protection of the sister and this month it is the worship of Durga, Lakshmi and Sarawati.

Even though the basic mythology, which is provided by religious scriptures, is same all over the country, still some aspects of it are more prevalent in some parts of the country as compared to another. For eg in Mysore, Dasara is the celebration of the victory of Goddess Durga (Kali) over the demon in the form of a buffalo named Mahishasura. It is said that the Goddess took nine days and nine nights to kill the demon hence the name Navaratri. The buffalo represents the animal instincts in man in an aggressive form. The goddess represents the nobler though aggressive tendencies in man. In the North, Dasara is remembered as a day of victory of Lord Ram over Ravana. Here too it signifies the victory of good over evil.


(Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from various other websites and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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