25 Serious #DelhiShamedAgain Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



1) Three day police custody for rape accused Shiv Kumar Yadav

2) Not sure how many more such incidents before we have stricter laws!
3) India today has a PM accused of snooping on women, who has a rape accused in his cabinet! Leading by example!
4) Travelling in bus is unsafe Taking a cab is unsafe Driving alone is unsafe What is safe for women in our country?
5) The government shud immediately GPS system in Sanskrit. This will divert criminal minds towards good sanskriti
6) I heard ppl sayng “Ladkiy Provke Karti Hai”. Dude if ny gal is naked still you dnt have right to rape her

7) If UPA govt was responsible & protested for Nirbhaya rape, why not question Govt. for Ãœber rape ??
8) Not only does this cabbie confess his crime,he says he is a serial rapist. He deserves to be publicly stoned.
9) Cab Driver earlier accused of rape, still employed by . Modi accused of 2002 riots still made PM. India mein ye sab chalta hai. Relax!

10) What do you think should be done after yet another heinous incident in the capital?

11) Firstly change the mentaliy, We live in a society where we are adviced to not get raped rather then dont rape
12)  :Most shocking revelation that the accused cab driver was a history sheeter, got employment on NOC issued by
13)  just waits for some incident to cling on and derive political mileage. Shameful and despicable.
14) You will never truely understands something untill it happens to you.

15) The police are equally to be blamed for giving clean chit to that rapist on that old case. Expel the officer too!!

16) Why no one specially is not protesting against UBER cab ?

17) Have we banned all the schools coz some rapes were reported in Schools ? Lets focus on the crime & criminals
18) So is banning the way to stop in ?

19) “Mujhse galti ho gayi hai, main kya karoon,’ says rape accused to the investigating officer

20) Wondering if banning is the solution, when the problem lies in the pants of some men!

21) Rapists are a part of this society. We breed them. They belong to us. Not Pluto.

22) The fault is with the way some men view women. Even a naked woman doesn’t deserve rape or is asking for rape.
23) Tomorrow if therz rape in Railway coach, Railways will be banned?

24) Great, a cab company can not have a driver with rape case but country can have a minister with rape case

25) Dear Govt of India . Lets just Ban Women only from Delhi / NCR . The men are too precious too punish no ?

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309

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