25 Sweet School Memories Facebook And WhatsApp Messages, Status To Share With Your Friends


25 Sweet School Memories Facebook And WhatsApp Messages, Status To Share With Your Friends

school memories

1) School starts with few prayer songs.

2) Borrowing pen, chemistry lab, maths formula, geometry box, lunch bell, sports day, unforgettable days.

3) Peeping into substitution register to check which teacher is absent.

4) Those happy go lucky days, true friendships, one sided love stories, doing mischief etc. Nothing can match these joys.

5) Carrying chips or chocolates with tiffin is must to show off to other students.

6) To make sure whether you and your best friend are in same division.

7) Fighting with unknown boy or girl because they were sitting on your class bench.

8) Not finishing homework and not getting caught by the teacher.

9) Looking at teacher and shaking head and pretending as if we are seriously listening.

10) Being punished outside the classroom with a bunch of friends.

11) Standing in school corridor and waiting for crush to come.

12) Buttering God before the exam.

13) Expecting new figures while re-opening school, disappointing when our expectations fail.

14) Getting caught gazing “reproduction” chapter in maths class.

15) Secretly eating snacks with your bench mates during class hours without letting the teacher and other classmates know.

16) Counting the number of people before you to know which paragraph you would be reading!

17) When during recess time, all my friends used to gather around my table and we used to eat from each other’s tiffin.

18) Day dreaming about what if a terrorist bumps into our class and how to thwart his evil motives.

19) Texting your group every night before going to bed “Kal Aana Hai Na?”

20) Using ink pen, not to write something in notebook but certainly for putting stains on friend’s uniform.

21) Getting punished at the school ground in front of your crush for being late that was embarrassing then and now.

22) Answering attendance on behalf of each other.

23) When someone tries to remind the teacher about the homework and everyone else tells them to shut up.

24) Have you ever forgot to eat your food? Every teacher’s dialogue.

25) Covering our new books and choosing stickers.

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