Today’s 5 amazing Articles Published On YOU Simply Can’t Miss!



Today’s 5 amazing Articles published on you simply Can’t Miss:

1. T.Y.Talk: Studying Out Of The Box: 


We all have to study and by the time we are in our T.Y we realize that studies are not as much about learning as they are about scoring marks and that is what makes all the difference! Yes scoring marks is important but marks help you get ahead the next few years maybe in job interviews or college applications but the rest of your life this learning is what matters… Read More.

2. S.Y.BMS Diaries: Study Because You WANT To Not Coz You HAVE To!

i dont wnna stdy


S.Y.BMS is a year full of enjoyment and at times it becomes difficult to balance off studies, in fact it’s safer to say we rarely do study and it isn’t something to be proud of but well that’s just the way things are! So why in the name of heaven am I writing this if I already know this for a fact, well because I know for sure that my parties did not get me anywhere but my grades did, in fact the people with the ‘I care a damn attitude’ ended up … Read More.

3. 10 Types Of BMsites You Will Definitely Come Across!


Of course there is diversity, walk in any BMS college and you can immediately tell the difference between a F.Y, S.Y and a T.Y student. The ‘overdose of makeup yet mousy look’ are the freshers, The ‘I am the life of the party’ are the S.Y’s and the ‘Buzz off I am busy’ are the T.Y’s yet with this class divide (pun intended) we are BMSites at heart and stick up for each other may what come.

And in this amazing diversity we experience, there are 10 Particular Type of BMSites you will find in any college you go! So here goes the list of 10 people native to the BMS course.. Read More.

4. This Is What True Entrepreneurs Do!


Since it’s your life and journey, why would you be anything but yourself? Answer is due to external influence and pressure. Friends, family, society, mentors, success, money. All these factors not only influence your decisions but also take you away from your authentic self. Shrug off the pressure to alter your individuality, here are the reasons to remain who you are… Read More.

5. Boost Your Confidence In 3 Ways


Confidence simply means believing in yourself and your ways of doing things. The simple difference between confidence and over-confidence is a confident person says “I can do it”. Where are over-confident person says ” Only I can do it”. 

Self confidence is most important aspect in our life and sadly many people strive hard for it. Lack of confidence can make a man unsuccessful. Without self-confidence no person has ability to stay in this 21th century. To boost up your confidence and  be a successful person you should surely try out the following things… Read More.

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BMS Team aims to help the BMS students all over Mumbai colleges, empower BMSites and revolutionize management education. If you wish to be a part of our core team, write to [email protected]


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