26 January Special: Top 13 Unknown facts About Indian Republic Day Revealed


Indian Republic Day

26th January is an important day for our country. It’s the day when our constitution came to being and we received the system of democratic government. This day gave us the freedom to live freely in our country and bestowed us with our rights to live in this country. Although nowadays this great day is left as just a mere holiday, which we all wait for, not because we want to celebrate our freedom of democratic government but just to have a day off and relax or go for an outing with colleagues. Due to our attitudes we end up ignoring the importance of this day, we fail to realise that there lies a deep significance which every Indian should know to keep up to the essence of this day. 

Indian Republic Day

  1. India has the largest democracy in the world, it stands second by area and third when it comes to the army force of the nation.
  2. Before British invaded India in the 17th century India was one of the richest countries in the world.
  3. 26th January was selected especially as it was the anniversary of ‘Purna Swaraj Day’.
  4. India has the longest written constitution in the world consisting of 448 articles in 22 parts, 12 schedules and 97 Amendments.
  5. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar took 2 years 11 months and 18 days to draft the constitution of India.
  6. The constitution is in two languages English and Hindi and the original copy of it is kept in the library of parliament house. It was signed by 308 members of the Assembly.
  7. Madan Mohan Malviya selected the Indian motto of ‘Satyamev Jayate’ from the Atharvaveda.
  8. Rabindranath Tagore first wrote ‘Jana Gana Mana’ in Bengali and later was translated to Hindi by Abid Ali and was officially accepted as our National Anthem.
  9. The length of the National Anthem is 52 seconds.
  10. The emblem of our country was adapted from the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath.
  11. By law, the Indian flag is made of ‘khadi’ and can be made in only 5 specified sizes, and is designed by Pingali Venkayya a farmer from Machilipatnam. It should not be thrown on the ground or in water or used as a drape.
  12. Dr Rajendra Prasad took oath as first president of India on 26th January 1950.
  13. 21 gun salutes is fired, as the president unfolds the national flag as a mark of honour.

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Daisy Pais


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