3 Amazing Best Things That Dil Dosti Dance Taught Every Youngster


dil dosti dance

‘Dil Dosti Dance’ is a serial on V channel focusing on the Youngsters. The name itself describes the serial is about Love, Dance and Friendship. The serial is about the Dancing Stars from ‘Dance India Dance’ and many other Potential dancers. It is about their friendship and the problems and ups and down they face in their friendship but still overcome the entire test and their friendship reins. It is about how the heart connects through the dance moves.

The serial focuses and revolves mainly around the life of Kriya Ghai (Shakti Mohan) and Reyansh Singhania (Kunwar Amarjeet Singh), Sharon Rai Prakash (Vrushika Mehta) and Swayam Shikwat (Shantanu Maheshwari) who were never friends. It all starts with a small town girl Kriya with the passion of dancing coming to Mumbai to pursue dancing and then she forms her own group known as the Weaklings competing against the strong and only dance group of college named Dazzlers led by Diva and cool dude of the college Sharon and Rey and then the entire competition starts between DAZZLERS and WEAKLINGS. Even with so much fights and competition the love finds way and the four main characters fall in love and eventually the two group friends and become a single dance group known as D3 and they become the best dance group with their individuality. The love birds KRIYA and REY & SWAYAM and SHARON also go through a lot of ups and downs but everything has a happy end. The serial has ended but has touched the chords of hearts of many youngsters both with the dance and love story.

Things one can learn from the show are:

  1. Friendship never fails

The serial teaches us that how the entire dance group no matter what never leaves each other. Initially when they were two different groups Rey and Swayam were still friends and even after the group became one there were issues but the entire group stood for each other in their problems and friendship sustained.


  1. Never give up

  While dancing too they faced a lot. Many of them couldn’t dance but due to the support of friends everybody emerged as good dancers. Even they were rejected by many as groups while dancing but they never lost hope and never gave up on their passion.


  1. Love always win

    Many people came between the couple to spoil their relation but still their love overcame all the difficulties and finally their love won.


The serial and its lovely character will remain alive in all our hearts and what the serial taught us we should never forget and keep practicing in our lives.

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