3 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Almonds You Ought To Know


3 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Almonds


In the olden days Almonds were something which were not affordable by all and even now there are people who do not have the capability of buying in large quantities and consuming on a daily basis. People buy it once or twice in the year and cherish its taste for the rest of the year. During the kingdom times when there were wealthy rulers, with all the luxuries in the world, consuming the best food, entertaining themselves with the best art forms, the most important that formed a part of the prince, princesses’ growing up was healthy food so that they grow up into strong individuals and are able to survive when they are not accompanied by their army and have the ability to protect themselves in times of danger. Among fruits, vegetables forming an essential part of healthy diet, Almonds were also as important as other eating stuff.

Almonds has numerous advantages from which few are –


  • Weight-loss

Almonds help in reducing weight. Well now you may ask how almonds can help in reducing weight. It does, crushed and powdered almonds cooked in milk without sugar is high in fiber and thus even if we have had just a glass of almond milk we would feel we have had a complete meal as it will fulfill our hunger completely! Hence it reduces our hunger and we tend to eat less than our usual diet which will ultimately reduce our weight


  • Protection against Diabetes.

People who have a habit of consuming food in large quantities have the possibility of suffering with diabetes as it is not necessary that you will have diabetes only if you have sugar in large quantities, there are foodstuffs in which sugar is a hidden content, for example- butter. Almonds help in balancing the sugar content and thus protecting our body the disease of diabetes!


  • Reduces the risk of heart attack!

Now you may ask how a mere almond can reduce heart attack risk. Well as Vitamin E is considered as an antioxidant against heart attack risks similarly the content of magnesium in almond has the same effect that of Vitamin E.


With almonds providing so much of health protection it can be considered as a tool which can help us in staying away from diseases, doctors, medicines!


Eat Almonds! Stay Healthy !

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Afifa Qureshi