3 Amazing India Women Sports Players We Are Proud Off



Despite the fact the women sports in India is not given as much importance and men sports, still some indian women have made great achievment in this field.But now, the time has changed and so,  is the awareness and opportunity for the women folk in the country.

  1. SaniaMirza – Tennis :

sania mirza

She is probably the most well-known female Indian sportsperson internationally. She was the first woman who could make it to the fourth round of Grand Slam Tournament in US Open in 2005. Having been honored with the theArjuna Award in 2004 and PadamShri award in 2006, she has also won the doubles with Mahesh Bhupathi in Australian Open in 2009. In Doha Asian games in 2006 Sania won a silver medal for singles and gold in doubles with Leander Paes.

  1. SainaNehwal – Badminton :


Making big news through her hardwork, dedication and talent, Saina has been ranked number 3 in the world by Badminton World Federation.She is the first woman who had made it to the singles quarter finals in Olympic games and the first Indian to win Super Series Tournament in 2009. She also won a gold medal in Women’s Single Shuttle Badminton in Common Wealth Games, 2010.

  1. Anjum Chopra- Cricket :

anjum chopra

A player in the Indian Women’s Cricket team, Anjum was the first every female Indian player to score a century in One Day International match. She is a left handed batsmen and an opener in cricket matches.Having played 12 test matches and 116 One Day Internationals, she is a right-arm medium-fast bowler. She has been awarded with the Arjuna Award in 2007 for her valuable contribution to Indian Women’s Cricket.

India has traveled a long destination towards the achievements of our women folk in the sports world.Indian women are making news in areas of sports like boxing , wrestling , cricket , shooting once dominated by men.

– Pratiksha Trivedi

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