3 Amazing Patriotic 68th Indian Independence Day 15 August 2014 WhatsApp Messages, SMS In Gujarati


3 Amazing Patriotic 68th Indian Independence Day 15 August 2014 WhatsApp Messages, SMS In Gujarati


1.Tane samjav kevirite mara dil, Jene chahu chhu tena najeek aavu kem,
Maari badhi tamaana chhe te, Pan teno ehsas devdav kam.

2.Dil par hamlo tayo ne dil tuti gayu,
koi k che k manobal khuti gayu,
khoti buma bum che doctroni,
aa to tame yadd aaya ne bicharu dhabkaro chuki gayu!!!

3.Hamnaa Madya Ne Haiya Sudhi Gaya ,
Tamnne Khabar Nathi Ke Tame Kya Shudhi Gaya,
Shu Tamsara Vad Ni Khushbu ,Shu Tamaro Rang,
Ane Vato Kari Sarir Ni,
Waah Waah Tame To Atama Shudhi Gaya.

4.Na sar jhuka hai kabhi aur na jhukayenge Kabhi,
jo apne dum pe jiyen sach me zindagi hai wahi.
Live like a true INDIAN.

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