3 Amazing Things Indians Invented That You Probably Never Knew


People usually ignore India for inventions, some people don’t know some of the things that Indians invented have changed the entire world and we cannot imagine a world without these 3 inventions which every Indian should be proud of:

1) Radio


This is arguably the greatest discovery in the communication field. Without a doubt this was an invention which changed the world of communication and it is amazing to know that it was invented in India by Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose in the late 18th century. Next time you listen to a radio remember it was ‘invented in India’.

2) Email


It is quiet astonishing to know that the greatest discovery in the history of internet was done by a high school student in 1979 Shiva Ayyadurai. It was copyrighted in 1982 and now it is an invention the world cannot live without. If not for this invention we might still be checking our mailbox every morning.

3) Ink


If China invented paper then India invented Ink. India is well-known or its literature and writings in the past. Ink has been a great part of ancient Indian culture. Ink has been a great invention from the ancient india. Indian Ink is also called as ‘Musi’.


This article is written by Jainam Jhaveri who is a BMS graduate, passionate about blogging, football and travelling.

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