3 Awesome Patriotic Happy 15 August Independence Day 2014 Quotes SMS WhatsApp Messages Facebook Status in Tamil


3 Awesome Patriotic Happy 15 August Independence Day 2014 Quotes SMS WhatsApp Messages Facebook Status in Tamil


1.Unaku ngabagam iruka juli,Smilya & Candy,
andha naal?
Aug 15th,
namma 4 perum thesiya kodi vanga ponom. Kadaikaran kodi thandha pothu,juli nee kaetta kelvi…
‘vera COLOR irukka?’
sirikkatha, vekkama illa…

2.Mana Dhesha endharo veerula kashta phalam
Nindu jeevithaalu ichina varam
Maana Bhaaratha swathantra dhinam
Happy Independence Day !

3.Kaatril puthia vaasanai nugarnthaen,
En thaai man satru nanainthida unarnthaen,
Viduthalai malargal arumbuvathai arinthaen,
Suthanthira maegam nammai soolnthathai kandaen,
Punnagai malaiil naanum nanainthaen

Happy Independence Day 2014

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